Encouragement Will
As the saying goes, though the river may force you to change courses, hold fast to what you believe. After nine years’ perseverance in studies in spite of hardships, Anqing Foreign Language School’s students were bound to come out of the cocoon, become butterflies and realize their gorgeous turn-backs. In order to encourage students to keep up high morale, stimulate them to strive hard positively, put their heart and soul into preparations for the Senior High School Entrance Examination in addition to making the best of the remaining 265 days, on the morning of 20th September, at the School Lecture Hall, Principal Assistant& Junior High Director Lu Dan made an inspiring pep talk to students from the 9th grade.
To start with, Principal Assistant Lu Dan summarized the basic conditions of Anqing Foreign Language School’s 17th Senior High School Entrance Examination. Later on, he put forward five suggestions with sincere words and earnest wishes, which could be illustrated as follows: One, start from the very beginning. Well begun is half done. Students were supposed to bid farewell to the past shortcomings and their weaknesses as well as continuously challenge and perfect themselves to create a brand-new self. Two, grow up and then reach prime. In the hyper-competitive modern society, it is not sufficient to have a little achievement and talent. However, only with good virtue and noble sentiment can we own a bright future. Three, knowledge change destiny. Study for reason, intellectuality and excellence. Four, be steadfast in work and work ingeniously, which means learning in a thoroughgoing manner and practising in a down-to-earth way to master the most basic knowledge and study cleverly. Five, industriousness makes the future. We do not advocate acting recklessly. Nonetheless, we should have the spirit of hardworking and conscientiousness and the courage to tenaciously strive to succeed.
What’s more, the report concluded in a warm applause. Students were deeply impressed as if they had heard the battle trumpet. Therefore, students were eager and determined to go all out and live up to expectations.
In conclusion, this encouragement will once again constructed the competitive learning atmosphere, which enabled students to possess the courage to sail the sea, stimulate them to press forward with indomitable will in addition to sprinting for the 2018 Entrance Examination for Secondary School. Meanwhile, the grand event indicated another glory for Anqing Foreign Language School in next year’s Senior High School Entrance Examination!

